24 April 2012

Yearly Photo

Every year we take a family picture in this field of yellow flowers.  This is our 4th picture, but it's our very first as a family of three!  I'm so happy to have the Riggster now be a part of this tradition! (He is ecstatic about it as well)



  1. So i had read half of your birth story when amanda told me not to read it because I had so many fears about the epidural not working. But I just read the rest of your birth story and I am in awe. I can't believe you were pushing that long, what a niggidy nightmare. and what the hell 9.4 lb? what a little freeloader. you could have had twins with a baby that size. were you planning on going natural all along? the pushing labor only lasted about 45 minutes with me i can't imagine pushing as long as you did. holy hell. he is one cute tike. I can't believe how much hair he has!

  2. Beautiful family. Big Rig just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
