15 September 2012

UTAH - June 2012
I'm still just trying to catch up from my blogging hiatus.  I wanted to get some pictures on here of my trip to Utah for a cluster of events that happened in June. First off, we had a birthday party for my gram.  She turned a ripe old 85, but she still looks the EXACT same to me from when I was a child.  She is amazing and I wish I could see her more often. The party brought all of my siblings together, which only happens about once a year. 
I love being the baby bird of these sibs. 
(sorry for using this photo of ya Justy, it's the only one I had of all of us. I'm not looking to good either so there's that).

Grammy-gram with 12 of her 13 great grand kids. A couple of JJ's boys just can't quite control their excitement to be in this picture. 

The party was a total success.  Everyone had a great time.  I love Rigg's little mug in this picture.
The second big event was my nephew Hunter's baptism.  I love this freakin' kid.  He is the happiest, mellow kid.  If Rigg's turns out to be half as cool as Hunt, I'll be stoked. 

Richie and his girls.  Nice smile Chief Wiggum. 

...Much better photo Dad.
We went camping in the Uintas and it was one of the worst nights of my life.  I couldn't get Riggs to sleep for more than 20 minutes without him waking up screaming.  I fed him all night long while I froze with my shirt off.  He finally fell asleep in my arms while I was sitting in the drivers seat of the car, so that's where I stayed, freezing, wide awake from 3 am on... I'm gonna get Riggs back for this someday.
JJ and the little cry baby.
Morning after the night from Hell

Coolest girls on the planet. 

And the last major event was the wedding of this little peach.  Doesn't she look beautiful?!  Her wedding was the nicest freaking wedding I've ever been to.  On a beautiful ranch up a canyon in Heber.  Best food imaginable.  And so many friends that I haven't seen in a loooong time.  Such a fun night.  Tucker, you are a lucky man. 
 (As if Tucker is ever going to read my blog! haha)
This was my little shadow the entire trip.  She came everywhere with me.  I loved it.  I used to have two little shadows but now Tatie is like 20 years old and too cool.

It was such a fun trip... 

1 comment:

  1. come back already! so sad about your night from hell. I've been there friend.
