18 April 2012

this kid

This kid kills me.  He is out of his "precious newborn" stage and on to being a dirty smelly little boy.  Remember when I cut that baby cake and saw the blue frosting and burst into tears?   Well, it was because I grew up with four brothers and I knew what was in my near future. 

Here are pig-pens latest and greatest at 7 weeks:  

-He is always wakes up from his naps sweaty.
-He farts louder than I've ever heard someone fart.
(Tyler and I are terrified he's gonna cut one in church and rock the building.)
-He peed on his own face today.
-He always has toe-jam that I clean daily with wet wipes.
-He farts every time he sneezes. 
-He has puppy breath.

And he's all mine.  I honestly wouldn't have it any other way...


  1. He is sooo cute! I bet you are in heaven. Farts and all.

  2. he is so cute. i've heard boys are noisy and smelly he he. does his farts smell?

  3. Baby breath is just the best. Wait until the bedrooms smell like gym lockers. I honestly didn't know that bathrooms could smell sweet (lotions, oils, shampoo,ect.) until Cody brought Whitney home for the first time. You're in for a ride. And I loved every minute of it.
