21 September 2012


Tyler and I bought this house in 2010.  It has been one of the best decisions we've ever made.  We have been so happy here, in our tiny bungalow.  She is an oldie goldie she is, turning 100 years this summer.  Sad to say, our house has never looked worse.  Somehow, since Riggs was born, we have only had time to do the bare minimum to upkeep our home... like, put the milk away or take out the trash once every two weeks.  It's so pathetic.  I'm scared to see what it is going to look like once I start nursing school next week... yikes.  Here's some pictures of our perfect little homestead on some of her rare "good days". 

Hey Sycamore Street... Two huge dorks just moved into your neighborhood. 

I have a love / hate relationship with the giant willow trees in our front yard. 
 The moss covered trunks I love love love...

 The billions of leaves that fall to the ground are the HATE portion of our relationship.

This winter wonderland come to visit about twice a year.  It usually melts away the same day it came, but cool anyway I guess.

Our tiny, and only, bathroom of the house.  Our guests are usually unsure about this room, knowing everyone in the rest of the house can hear them peeing.  But don't let this deter you from visiting us!

Usually I have to ask Tyler around 14 times to do something around the house.  For instance, it took 8 months for him to install the garbage disposal.  But I bought these kitchen shelves from Ikea, and without even asking, they were up lickity-split.  Love them. 

(Sorry there's no picture of the rest of the kitchen... It's never been clean enough to take a picture.  Just not gonna happen.  Yeah, we're gross, we know. )

Snapshots of Riggs room... my favorite room in the house.

Little man's growth chart.  Made it with my own two hands for less than 5 dollars... holla!

Teri made these flags for my baby shower and they've been hung in Riggs room ever since.

Ha.  Our kid never sleeps.  He is the real life energizer bunny.  He holds the world record of waking up 9 times last night... happened just this week.  

This is what laundry day looks like...  (who am I kidding, more like "laundry month")  Can you find 3 month old Riggy in the pile of clothes? Laundry is my nemesis and I would rather scrub toilets or pick up dog poo instead. 

We are quickly out growing our tiny sardine can of a house but we love it so much!!

1 comment:

  1. laundry is my nemisis too. your house is soooo dreamy! you are kidding me with your back yard? no fair. teach me how to grow things. and i love your claw tub,
